Sunday, March 7, 2010

One Small Voice...One BIG Message...

My name will never be up in flashing lights.

The paparazzi will never hunt me down (although I've come close when the News Tribune called me for an interview about my Oprah trip) *smile*

The only time I give my autograph is when I sign my checks (which I do little of since hottie husband has taken the checkbook away from me)

I'm just one. little. a BIG, BIG world...


I can be glory to God by using the talents that God has provided to me...

Take my blog, for example...I use my talent of written expression through my blog.  When I started my blog, it was intended for entertainment purposes...but read through my entries begin to change...I began to change...

I still write for entertainment...some of my posts are simply for fun...but more and more I use my blog to share my spiritual journey with you...

God speaks to you through my struggles, my fears, my thrills, my anguish, my mistakes, and my joys.  I open my heart and I pour out my soul to you...and (selfishly) the best part is when one of you reaches out to me to share that I have touched your heart...or I've inspired you to make a change in your's happened...a few times.

And so I will continue to share my joys and my sorrows, my praises and my pains and my passion for Christ with you! 

Oh...and I'll still continue to throw in the occasional "funny"....

For the time being this is how He is using me....He is using my "open" and outgoing personality to share my testimony and to touch hearts!

1 comment:

  1. One small voice? You have to be the giggler on the radio commerical? I will have to hear it again to find out who the ad is for.
    Too funny!
