Monday, March 22, 2010

This Health Care Bill Is NOT Healthy OR Caring...

So....about this Health care issue....

I have a friend, someone I have admired for a very long time, someone that I have considered to be extremely intelligent, someone that I can have a heated conversation with and know that tomorrow we will still be friends....

Admittedly, she is always right.  Always.  We have had many, many political arguments, and in the end, I always feel defeated...she can always outsmart me when it comes to government.  (Start talking fashion and celebrities, and I stomp all over her!)

Until today...

Today, I feel confident.  Today, I feel like I put up a really great fight.  And today, I left her speechless!

It began when I sent my friend an email, curious for her thoughts on this health care bill.  In my email I listed two reasons (really trying to be cute in my delivery) as to why I am against this bill:

1) The bill is nearly 3,000 pages long
(how can anyone really understand what is in those pages?)

2) Several trillion dollars over several years.

She responded on the defense, right off the bat, attempting to use my walk with Christ as a way to manipulate my thoughts regarding the issue...

So you're against health care being provided for all who currently are without because they've been denied or can't afford it? That doesn't seem Christ-like.  Don't you think God wants you to help your brothers and sisters and not let them die because they can't afford health care? I would think that someone that claims to be a Christian would want to love and help their fellow brothers and sisters and support a way that could help the less fortunate get the care that they need.

Whoa.  Right?  She's sassy.


I can be sassy too...oh, and smarter...

Um, before you pull the "What Would Jesus Do?" mantra on me, please tell many babies would Jesus want aborted?  And thrills me (roll eyes) that now I get to pay for these abortions...and that is just the ICING on this poisoned cake!

My husband just told me that the Congressional Budget Office projected that 8 million people will lose their current health insurance and be dumped into the government program because their employer will drop private insurance and simply pay the penalty for not carrying insurance...

 Hope you aren't one of those people...

*Oh Snap*

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