Wednesday, January 20, 2010

“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” Matthew 5:7

While I was doing some reading about God’s love and grace, I was struck by the immensity of God’s love for us, the enormity of His Grace and what He has already provided…in the Bible I see the love of God manifested…many live lives in defeat (I include myself) not knowing the provisions that God has given. There are many blessings which He has provided for us that we either do not know, or simply overlook…and sadly at times, we forget…

In the last couple of weeks, I have felt the need to look back to the cross…I feel like the Lord is calling me to remember, it is like He is telling me that there I will find my answers to my doubts and to my questions…my low self esteem causes me to think of myself as useless in the hands of God, I look at my life and feel that God deserves more of me. I know that often I allow myself to be lead by my emotions instead of the Truth…but praise be to God that He shows me the way. In the last few days the Lord has shown me things that I did not see before, things that have now come alive, maybe helped by the experiences that I am going through (sometimes we have to go through something in order to fully understand what God says). It has helped me view myself in part as God sees me, as a work in progress... is such a beautiful word, and very ugly at the same time.  Forgiveness is something I have struggled entire life, and I only just now realize how this eleven letter word has consumed my every breath.  Forgiveness has held me back...

And last night I remembered...only God knows what is in our hearts and there He sees our true need, and God did see...

The words circled my every thought...As God forgives us, so should we forgive...

And then I realized...forgiveness is a gift from is up to me (us) to claim it. 

And so I did.  I claimed my gift of forgiveness...and now I walk in the light with Jesus.

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