Thursday, November 19, 2009

Divine Nobodies...

A friend of mine shared a book with me, Divine Nobodies, by Jim Palmer.  I read the book once, today I picked it up from my nightstand and began reading again after sharing the title of the book with some new found friends earlier in the day.  The tag line on the front cover reads, "Shedding Religion to Find God (and the unlikely people who help you)".  The story is the authors, how he put a troubled childhood behind him and earned a Masters of Divinity degree, on his way to becoming a top Christian leader.  But a series of setbacks left him wondering where God was and he takes off on a journey, encountering ordinary, unlikely people that changed almost everything he thought he knew about God.  Each chapter is a "divine nobody" and I learned something new in every page!

Here is one of my favorite sentences from the book:

"You have to first find your heart if you ever expect it to beat with the pulse of God.  The Tin Man eventually found his.  I'm finding I have one too."

I think I love this book so much because it is much like my journey.  God placed "divine nobodies" in my path...

"Divine Nobodies" #1:  My friend that shared this book with me.  Her marriage is strong, her children are incredible, her faith is unfailing.  She is someone I can call for extra prayer support or guidance over something big.  She is the woman I hope I can someday become. 

"Divine Nobodies" #2:  The families that I work for.  Four families...each one strong and steadfast in their faith.  Each family is an example of what true Christians are.  Giving, kind, patient, understanding, they are truly amazing people.

"Divine Nobodies" #3:  A young man I met in a Chamber Leadership class.  He introduced himself to me on the first day and we were stuck with one another every session after.  He heard my cry for help.  He encouraged me to meet his mother, who is a part of one of those families I mentioned above.  God placed Jeff right smack dab in the middle of my path, forcing me to choose a better one.

None of these people are anything but ordinary people.  They lead ordinary lives, they work ordinary jobs.  And yet, all of these people have changed my life.  They opened my heart to Jesus. 

Do you have "divine nobodies" in your life?  Who are they?

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