Saturday, August 29, 2009

Spanx You Very Much...

There's no denying that body-shaping undergarments are confidence boosters. Three weeks ago I bought my first pair of Spanx...Oh Em Gee! Not familiar with Spanx, allow me...

Spanx. I love these!! They suck you in and flatten you out (for when you have indulged in Coffee Zone's Candy Bar Latte too many). But if you attempt to wear these mid section suckers for more than an eight hour period you will surely need to be hospitalized for gastrointestinal damage, let me assure you, it's TOTALLY worth the risk!

An added bonus to wearing Spanx...each and every time you either put them on or take them off you loose five pounds...(okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but it does take a lot of arm muscle, holding your breath and a few curse words to get them on and off).

Really the only negative experience I've had with my Spanx was last Thursday night when I was undressing in front of my husband in our dimly lit room and he cried out, "what in the world? Your crotch area looks like a mannequin!" (see photo above)

But can we form a Spanx-dependency? Yes, I think. Spanx addicts, time to step out of the closet...

Even the celebrities wear Spanx!!

Oh magical I adore you!! Because of you I will have that second helping of hot fudgery goodness from Central Dairy!
Spanx you, Spanx you VERY much!


  1. I should get my wife two of those!

  2. Oh my Betsy...I love mine! I only wish I could afford and stand to where them everyday! They are amazing! I remember when I tried on my first pair. It was shortly after having Baby #2 and I was in the same dressing room as a girlfriend. Talk about histarical and wondering as I pulled them up higher and higher...where is all of this supposed to go?
