Sunday, April 19, 2009

Inspiration And Influence...

Many of you who know me personally know that I'm a pretty relaxed, easy going, "giggly," fun and adventurous (sometimes) soul! I am often labeled the "class clown" in a group setting...however sometimes I like to be serious....this is one of those posts. Many of you know that my life has taken complete transformation over the past several months. I am excited about my "new" life and the awesome things that are happening....Lately I've felt compelled to use my blog to express what I am experiencing!

Today I am feeling reflective and grateful...

I have just come home from church where I have had the privilege of "rubbing elbows" with spiritual giants! I look around the congregation and I see many people that strengthen me and inspire me to be a better christian in all the many roles I personally play each day as a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. I listen to the people around me...about their activities and their dedication to the Lord, and I say to myself, "I want to do that too!"- Not in a "comparing my self to others" negative sort of way, but in a "I want to follow your example" positive sort of way.

What awesome people have come into my life! My "spiritual mentors" that I've written about before strive to live good lives that reflect good christian beliefs and values. I feel a great bond with my new found friends and I know that I can walk a little taller and be a little stronger because of their influence on me. I thank them for that. They probably don't even feel like they are all that special, but I know they are. Along these same lines of thinking I have been pleasantly surprised by how I have been strengthened by my new found church . I have a new found source of strength!

For the first time I see and feel the hand of the Lord in my life. I have been inspired to be more than I thought I could be. I have found a hope that even though so many bad things are happening in the world around us that there are some pretty amazing things happening too.

So, thank you to all who have made me more aware of the power of influence and example! Thank you to all of you who have held my hand while I take this journey. And most of all, thank you to Jesus...who has never left my side, but only recently did I know he was there.

I hope that someone has stumbled upon my blog or has "rubbed elbows" with me and has felt lifted, renewed in conviction, inspired to be more, and has chosen to live a better way.

1 comment:

  1. Me! If no one else, I have. I love what you write in your blog. I was so happy to just get the email from our lifegroup leader at church with the link to your blog. After hearing you read your blog on Sunday, and crying with you and then bawling myself when I spoke...I looked all afternoon for your blog. But she couldn't remember the name of it...just that it had the word bits in it and I knew your name was Betsy. I want you to know, that you are the type of person I want as my friend. And that is saying a lot. I was super-burnt by the people I surrounded myself with and even had in my house for weekly Bible study. So much so that I isolated myself away in my house so that no one else could burn me. And I am just now getting the confidence to get out there. Your sharing on Sunday really touched a sensitive spot and I felt like we had so much in common. I just want to let you know that God is using you to help heal some hurts...through your blog and willingness to share yourself with those you don't even "know". Thank you BETSY!!!
